Utah’s Ancient Mega-Landslides: Geology, Discovery, and Guide to Earth’s Largest Terrestrial Landslides (C-132)
by Robert F. Biek, Peter D. Rowley, and David B. Hacker Southwest Utah contains what may be the largest landslide complex on land in the world. This complex includes three ancient side-by-side gigantic slides that cover an area roughly the...
Geologic evaluation and hazard potential of liquefaction-induced landslides along the Wasatch Front, Utah (SS-104)
By: K. M. Harty and M. Lowe The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential for future movement of the landslides during earthquakes to determine the hazard these features may pose. Goals of the study were to: (1)...
Quaternary tectonics of Utah with emphasis on earthquake-hazard characterization (B-127)
By: S. Hecker This report consolidates and synthesizes information on Quaternary faulting, folding, and volcanism in Utah and characterizes recent tectonic activity throughout the state. The primary purpose is to provide a comprehensive reference on fault-specific seismic sources and surface...
The geology of Kane County, Utah: geology, mineral resources, and geologic hazards (B-124)
By: H. H. Doelling, F. D. Davis, and C. J. Brandt Kane County, with its 4105 square miles, lies along the south-central margin of Utah and is found in the western part of the Colorado Plateaus physiographic province. It is...
Characteristics, timing, and hazard potential of liquefaction-induced landsliding in the Farmington siding landslide complex, Davis County, Utah (SS-95)
By: M. D. Hylland and M. Lowe The Farmington Siding landslide complex is in Davis County, Utah, about 25 kilometers north of Salt Lake City. The landslide complex covers approximately 19.5 square kilometers and is one of 13 late Pleistocene/Holocene...
Contributions to Quaternary geology of the Colorado Plateau (San Juan County) G.E. Christenson (SS-64)
By: C. G. Oviatt, J. F. Shroder, and R. E. Sewell The Colorado Plateau is a unique area for the study of Quaternary deposits and processes since it has been the site of continuous stream downcutting, cliff retreat, and landscape...
Characteristics, causes, and implications of the 1998 Wasatch Front landslides (SS-105)
By: F. X. Ashland The majority of the 1998 Wasatch Front landslides were likely triggered following a cumulative rise in ground-water levels resulting from four or more successive years of above-normal precipitation. Triggering of landslide movement likely coincided with a...
Water-related geologic problems of 1983 - Utah occurrences by County (MP 89-4)
By: B. N. Kaliser Twenty-four counties in Utah were surveyed in 1983-84 to compile this summary of known geological events related to the 1983 wet year. It is hoped that this summary and the one by Davis will provide a...
Geologic consequences of the 1983 wet year in Utah (MP 88-3)
By: B. N. Kaliser and J. E. Slossen Geologic consequences of the abnormally wet year of 1983 were unprecedented in number, magnitude, and geographic distribution in the l36-year history of Utah. That year was preceded by an extraordinarily wet 1982...
Landslide maps of Utah (M-246dm)
By: A. H. Elliot and K. M. Harty Significant economic losses are associated with landslides, and Utah has numerous landslides and landslide-prone geologic units. Exposure to landslide hazards increases as development expands onto hillsides and other landslide-prone areas. To improve...
The September 2, 1992 ML 5.8 St. George earthquake, Washington County, Utah (C-88)
By: G. E. Christenson, editor Ground shaking and slope failures were the dominant geologic effects associated with the September 2, 1992 St. George earthquake. Ground shaking caused damage to buildings in Hurricane, La Verkin, Washington, St. George, and other. A...
Engineering geology of the Salt Lake City metropolitan area, Utah (B-126)
By: W. R. Lund, editorGeologic exposures in the Salt Lake City region record a long history of sedimentation and tectonic activity extending back to the Precambrian Era. Today, the city lies above a deep, sediment-filled basin flanked by two uplifted...
By: Jessica J. Castleton and Ben A. Erickson On August 24, 2019, at approximately 5:30 p.m., a large slab of Navajo Sandstone detached from a vertical cliff face of Cable Mountain above the Weeping Rock area, in Zion National Park,...
Landslide Inventory Map of the 2012 Seeley Fire Area, Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah (SS-153)
Landslide Inventory Map of the 2012 Seeley Fire Area, Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah (SS-153)
By: Greg N. McDonald and Richard E. GiraudThis map presents a landslide inventory for the 2012 Seeley fire area, Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah, at a scale of 1:24,000. The purposes of the map and accompanying geodatabase are to show...
Landslide Inventory Map of Seely Creek and Big Bear Creek Drainages, Sanpete and Emery Counties, Utah (SS-164)
By: Richard E. Giraud and Greg N. McDonaldThis map presents a landslide inventory for the Big Bear Creek and Seely Creek drainages, Sanpete and Emery Counties, Utah, at a scale of 1:24,000. We used geographic information system (GIS) software to...
Landslide Inventory Map of the Ferron Creek area, Sanpete and Emery Counties, Utah (SS-161)
By: Richard E. Giraud and Greg N. McDonaldThis map presents a landslide inventory for the Ferron Creek area, Sanpete and Emery Counties, Utah, at a scale of 1:24,000. The purposes of the map and accompanying geodatabase are to show and...
Landslide Inventory Map for the Upper Muddy Creek Area, Sanpete and Sevier Counties, Utah (SS-155)
Landslide Inventory Map for the Upper Muddy Creek Area, Sanpete and Sevier Counties, Utah (SS-155)
By: Greg N. McDonald and Richard E. GiraudThis map represents a landslide inventory for the upper Muddy Creek area, Sanpete and Sevier Counties, Utah, at a scale of 1:24,000. The map covers 54 square miles on southern part of the...
Characterization and hazard zonation of the Meadow Creek landslide affecting State Route 9, part of the Coal Hill landslide complex, western Kane County, Utah (SS-131)
By: F. X. Ashland, G. N. McDonald, L. M. Shaw, and J. A. Bay Contains a 31-page report and two accompanying plates detailing the results of geologic and geophysical investigations of the Meadow Creek landslide in western Kane County, Utah,...
Reconnaissance of landslides and preliminary landslide hazard assessment along a portion of Browns Park Road, Daggett County, Utah (RI-271)
By: G. Beukelman and B. Erickson During the spring of 2011, five landslides occurred in lower Jesse Ewing Canyon, Daggett County, Utah, along a section of Browns Park Road that was realigned in 2009. Distress to the roadway included blockage...
Investigation of the February 10, 2010, rock fall at 274 West Main Street, and preliminary assessment of rock-fall hazard, Rockville, Washington County, Utah (RI-270)
By: T. R. Knudsen In the morning hours of February 10, 2010, a large rock fall impacted a property at 274 West Main Street in Rockville, Utah. The estimated 450-ton rock fell from the upper slope of Rockville Bench, began...
Active landslides in the Creekside Drive area, Mountain Green, Morgan County, Utah, between June 2005 and December 2006 (RI-260)
By: F. X. Ashland Landsliding in the Creekside Drive area of Mountain Green, Utah, in 2005 and 2006 damaged three houses, a road, and buried utilities, and threatened a buried sewer line, another house, and several other residential lots. The...
Movement history and preliminary hazard assessment of the Heather Drive landslide, Layton, Davis County, Utah (RI-251)
By: R. E. Giraud Movement of the Heather Drive landslide in late-August 2001 forced homeowners to evacuate their houses and suffer significant economic loss. Preliminary loss estimates indicate that landslide-related losses exceed $1 million. The landside is a reactivation of...
Preliminary geotechnical-engineering slope-stability investigation of the Pine Ridge landslide, Timber Lakes Estates, Wasatch County, Utah (RI-232)
By: F. X. Ashland and M. D. Hylland The purpose of a preliminary geotechnical-engineering slope-stability analysis is to use state-of-the-art computer programs to estimate slope stability in areas where we have few detailed engineering test data. The technique uses engineering-geologic...