Ground Water
Geology and mineral resources of Box Elder County, Utah (B-115)
By: H. H. Doelling Box Elder County is situated in the northwest corner of Utah bordering with Idaho on the north, Nevada on the west, Tooele and Weber counties on the south and Cache County on the east. It comprises...
Energy, mineral, and ground-water resources of Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah (B-132)
By: R. W. Gloyn, D. E. Tabet, B. T. Tripp, C. E. Bishop, C. D. Morgan, J. W. Gwynn, and R. E. BlackettThe Utah Geological Survey has collected and evaluated information on the known and potential energy, mineral, and ground-water...
The UGS presents this Geofluids of Utah guidebook, which has papers highlighting key fields in the study of geofluids. This guidebook features four broad subjects in the realm of geofluids: (1) potable water, (2) geothermal energy, (3) biomarkers and hydrocarbons,...
Groundwater-Level Trends in Snake Valley and Adjacent Basins, Utah and Nevada (RI-285)
by Hugh A. Hurlow, Rebecca Molinari, Paul C. Inkenbrandt, and J. Lucy Jordan The Utah Geological Survey conducted a regional groundwater-level campaign during 2020 in west-central Utah and in parts of east-central Nevada to document changes in groundwater levels from...
Geohydrology and Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Flow in the Central Virgin River Basin of Iron and Washington Counties, Utah (TP-116 OFP)
By: V.M. Heilweil, G.W. Freethey, C.D. Wilkowske, B.J. Stolp, and D.E. Wilberg Because rapid growth of communities in Washington and Iron Counties, Utah, is expected to cause an increase in the future demand for water resources, a hydrologic investigation was...
The geology of the Snyderville basin, western Summit County, Utah, and its relation to ground-water conditions (WRB-28)
By: F. X. Ashland, C. E. Bishop, M. Lowe, and B. H. Mayes, editors Urbanization of parts of the Snyderville basin has been accompanied by an increasing demand to develop the area?s ground-water resources. Ground water is present in shallow...
The origin and extent of earth fissures in Escalante Valley, southern Escalante Desert, Iron County, Utah (SS-115)
By: W. R. Lund, C. B. DuRoss, S. M. Kirby, G. N. McDonald, G. Hunt, and G. S. Vice Contains a 30-page report and 37-photo appendix of an investigation by the Utah Geological Survey of five recently discovered earth fissures...
Water-related geologic problems of 1983 - Utah occurrences by County (MP 89-4)
By: B. N. Kaliser Twenty-four counties in Utah were surveyed in 1983-84 to compile this summary of known geological events related to the 1983 wet year. It is hoped that this summary and the one by Davis will provide a...
Geology and Water Resources of the Spanish Valley Area, Grand and San Juan Counties, Utah (TP-32)
Geology and Water Resources of the Spanish Valley Area, Grand and San Juan Counties, Utah (TP-32)
By: C. T. Sumsion The Spanish Valley area covers about 144 square miles on the western slopes of the La Sal Mountains in southeastern Utah; within it, Spanish Valley comprises about 18 square miles. Altitudes of land surface within the...
Ground-water resources and simulated effects of withdrawals in the East Shore area of Great Salt Lake, Utah (TP-93)
By: David W. Clark, Cynthia L. Appel, Patrick M. Lambert, and Robert L. Puryear The ground-water resources in the East Shore area of Great Salt Lake, Utah, were studied to better define the ground-water system; to document changes in ground-water...
Hydrology of Cache Valley, Cache County, Utah, and adjacent part of Idaho, with emphasis on simulation of ground-water flow (TP-108)
A hydrologic investigation of Cache Valley was done to better understand the ground-water system in unconsolidated basin-fill deposits and the interaction between ground water and surface water. Ground-water recharge occurs by infiltration of precipitation and unconsumed irrigation water, seepage from...
Ground-water resources and simulated effects of withdrawals in the Bountiful Area, Utah (TP-95)
Ground-water resources and simulated effects of withdrawals in the Bountiful Area, Utah (TP-95)
Ground-water resources in the Bountiful area, Utah, were studied to document changes in ground-water conditions and to simulate the effects of increased ground-water withdrawals and changes in recharge. The aquifer system is in basin-fill deposits and is primarily a confined...
Ground Water Conditions in Utah: Spring of 2007 (CIR-48)
By: C.B. Burden & Others This is the forty-fourth in a series of annual reports that describe ground-water conditions in Utah. Reports in this series, published cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey and the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division...
Analysis of Septic-Tank Density for Four Communities in Iron County, Utah—Newcastle, Kanarraville, Summit, and Paragonah (RI-284)
by Trevor H. Schlossnagle, Janae Wallace, and Nathan Payne This study provides land-use planners with science-based tools for approving new development in a manner that will protect groundwater quality in the communities of Newcastle, Kanarraville, Summit, and Paragonah. Other Information:...
The geology of the Kamas-Coalville region, Summit County, Utah, and its relation to ground-water conditions (WRB-29)
By: H. A. Hurlow, editor The Kamas-Coalville region is in the Middle Rocky Mountains physiographic province, about 30 miles east of the Wasatch Front urban area. Rapid population growth and increased water use are the impetus for a collaborative study...
Geologic evaluation of wastewater disposal in bedrock, Duchesne County, Utah (SS-72)
By: W. E. Mulvey and W. R. Lund Surficial deposits in the Black Rock Desert of west-central Utah, in an area encompassing 12 7.5-minute topographic quadrangles, were mapped at a scale of 1:100,000. The Black Rock Desert is the southern...
Investigation of Land Subsidence and Earth Fissures in Cedar Valley, Iron County, Utah (SS-150)
Investigation of Land Subsidence and Earth Fissures in Cedar Valley, Iron County, Utah (SS-150)
By: Tyler Knudsen, Paul Inkenbrandt, William Lund, Mike Lowe, and Steve BowmanThis 116-page report presents the results of an investigation by the Utah Geological Survey of land subsidence and earth fissures in Cedar Valley, Iron County, Utah. Basin-fill sediments of...
Aquifer Parameter Estimation from Aquifer Tests and Specific-Capacity Data in Cedar Valley and The Cedar Pass Area, Utah County, Utah (SS-146)
By: Lucy JordanThis 53-page report details aquifer parameter estimation in and near Cedar Valley, west of Utah Lake and the Lake Mountains, in Utah County, Utah. The UGS conducted five aquifer tests on the two most important aquifers in the...
Geologic and hydrologic characterization of regional nongeothermal groundwater resources in the Cove Fort Area, Millard and Beaver Counties, Utah (SS-140)
By: S. Kirby This report describes the nongeothermal hydrogeologic system of the Cove Creek basin and an adjoining part of the Beaver River basin north of Milford, in Millard and Beaver Counties, Utah. The groundwater system in the study area...
The hydrogeology of Moab-Spanish Valley, Grand and San Juan Counties, Utah, with emphasis on maps for water-resource management and land-use planning (SS-120)
By: M. Lowe, J. Wallace, S. M. Kirby, and C. E. Bishop Contains a 40-page report with an 83-page appendix and 12 maps that address ground-water conditions in Moab-Spanish Valley’s valley-fill aquifer and provide recommendations for water-resource management and land-use...
The geology of Cedar Valley, Utah County, and its relation to ground-water conditions (SS-109)
The geology of Cedar Valley, Utah County, and its relation to ground-water conditions (SS-109)
By: H. A. Hurlow Cedar Valley is a Quaternary-Tertiary-age structural basin in the Utah Lake hydrologic basin. Increased development of ground water due to population increases led to this study of the basin, its geology, and its hydrology and ground-water...
Evaluation of potential geologic sources of nitrate contamination in ground water, Cedar Valley, Iron County, Utah with emphasis on the Enoch area (SS-100)
By: M. Lowe and J. Wallace Cedar Valley in southwestern Utah is experiencing an increase in residential development, much of which uses septic tank soil-absorption systems for wastewater disposal. Most of this development is taking place on unconsolidated basin-fill deposits,...
Reconnaissance investigation of ground cracks along the western margin of Parowan Valley, Iron County, Utah (RI-253)
By: UGS Staff Two out-of-print geologic and mineral assessment reports on Piute and Garfield Counties. Texts with plates are in one file for easy viewing; plates are a higher resolution and formatted for easy plotting are in separate files. Data...
Significant drill holes of the Wasatch Front valleys including Cache Valley and Tooele Valley (OFR-82)
By: W. F. Case Records of 292 significant drill holes which were drilled in the major valley areas of the Wasatch Front have been compiled into a Utah Geological and Mineral Survey database, given in this publication. Drill holes which...