The geology of Cedar Valley, Utah County, and its relation to ground-water conditions (SS-109)

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Utah Geological Survey Special Studies
Media Type *

By: H. A. Hurlow

Cedar Valley is a Quaternary-Tertiary-age structural basin in the Utah Lake hydrologic basin. Increased development of ground water due to population increases led to this study of the basin, its geology, and its hydrology and ground-water quality. Principal aquifers in the basin are Quaternary to Tertiary basin-fill sediments and Paleozoic bedrock of itnerlayered carbonate and quartzite.

This CD consists of a 74-page report ad four plates at a scale of approximately 1:100,000, all.

Other Information:
Published: 2004
Pages: 74 p
Plates: 4 pl.
Scale: 1:100,000
Location: Utah County

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