Geology and resources of the Paradox Basin (UGA-25)

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Utah Geological Association

Edited by: A. C. Huffman Jr., W. R. Lund, and L. H. Godwin

For a number of years, there has been a great amount of interest in the Paradox Basin. The interest has been generated primarily by many aspects of the energy industry: from petroleum exploration and production to a world-class laboratory for students from many companies and countries; from a reawakening interest in uranium to problems associated with cleaning up the remains of the last boom; and from using fluid flow modeling in development and production to protecting the water supply from contamination.

This volume reflects all of these areas of interest and more. This publication presents information on the stratigraphy, sedimentology, structure/tectonics, economic geology, paleontology, geochemistry/mineralogy, and environmental geology/hydrology of this vast region. The papers included in this publication are listed below:

The Ute Mountain Ute Tribe (Weeminuche Band of Ute Nation), by L. Hartman

Doing business with the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, by C. L. Canfield

Paradox oil and gas potential of the Ute Mountain Ute Indian Reservation, by C. L. Harr

Petroleum geology and hydrocarbon potential of pre-Dakota strata, western portion of the southern Ute Indian Reservation, Colorado, by C. W. Keighin

Geological and reservoir characterization of small shallow-shelf carbonate fields, southern Paradox Basin, Utah, by T. C. Chidsey, Jr., D. E. Eby, and D. M. Lorenz

Burial and thermal history of the Paradox Basin, Utah and Colorado, and petroleum potential of the Middle Pennsylvanian Paradox Formation, by V. F. Nuccio and S. M. Condon

Preliminary evaluation of potential construction-grade sand, gravel, and limestone deposits on the Ute Mountain Reservation, by M. P. Pantea

Limestone exploration in the Paradox Basin, by H. E. Reed

The Uranium industry in the Paradox Basin, by W. L. Chenoweth

Lower Paleozoic stratigraphy, depositional systems, and geologic history, Needle Mountains, Colorado, by J. A. Campbell and D. A. Gonzales

Stratigraphic and sedimentologic characterization of McCracken Sandstone Member of Elbert Formation (Upper Devonian) at Lisbon Field, Paradox Basin, San Juan County, Utah, by R. D. Cole and G. E. Moore

Depositional and diagenetic environments of the Mississippian Leadville Limestone at Lisbon Field, Utah, by K. L. Fouret

Carbonate-mound reservoirs in the Paradox Formation: an outcrop analogue along the San Juan River, southeastern Utah, by T. C. Chidsey, Jr., L. Brinton, D. E. Eby, and K. Hartmann

Diagenesis and porosity distribution of Pennsylvanian Paradox Formation carbonates (Upper Ismay), southeastern Utah, by J. V. White and B. L. Kirkland

Lithofacies definition in Cutler and Honaker Trail Formations, northeastern Paradox Basin, by sedimentologic observations and spectral gamma-ray data, by R. D. Cole, G. E. Moore, A. S. Trevena, R. A. Armin, and M. P. Morton

Depositional analysis of the Black Dragon Member of the Triassic Moenkopi Formation, southeastern Utah, by S. P. Baker and J. E. Huntoon

A comparison of the Middle Jurassic San Rafael Group at Church Rock and at Bluff in southeastern Utah, by R. B. O'Sullivan

Diagenesis of sandstones in the Morrison Formation within the Paradox Basin, by G. N. Breit and M. B. Goldhaber

Stratigraphic architecture and deformational history of Early Cretaceous foreland basin, eastern Utah and southwestern Colorado, by W. M. Aubrey

A Gravity and magnetic survey of the Ute Mountain Ute Indian Reservation, Colorado and New Mexico, by M. W. Webring and G. A. Abrams

Interpreted linear features from Landsat thematic mapper images, Southern Ute Indian Reservation, Colorado, by D. H. Knepper, Jr.

Earthquake potential and seismic hazards in the Paradox Basin, southeastern Utah, by I. G. Wong, S. S. Olig, and J. D. J. Bott

The earthquake potential of the Moab fault and its relation to salt tectonics in the Paradox Basin, Utah, by S. S. Olig, C. H. Fenton, J. McCleary, and I. G. Wong

The field geology of the Moab fault, by K. A. Foxford, I. R. Garden, S. C. Guscott, S. D. Burley, J. J. M. Lewis, J. J. Walsh and J. Watterson

Extensional origin of breached Paradox diapirs, Utah and Colorado: field observations and scaled physical models, by H. Ge, M. P. A. Jackson, and B. C. Vendeville

New observations of grabens from the Needles District, Canyonlands National Park, Utah, by R. A. Schultz and J. M. Moore

Preliminary fusulinid and conodont biostratigraphy of the Honaker Trail Formation (late Middle Pennsylvanian-Late Pennsylvanian) in the Gibson Dome 1 and Elk Ridge 1 cores, Paradox Basin, Utah, by R. S. Nail, J. E. Barrick, and S. M. Ritter

Origin and early evolution of the sauropod dinosaurs of North America: the type locality and stratigraphic position of Dystrophaeus viaemalae Cope 1877, by D. D. Gillette

A re-evaluation of the Dry Mesa Dinosaur Quarry sauropod fauna with a description of juvenile sauropod elements, by B. D. Curtice and D. R. Wilhite

The theropod dinosaur Allosaurus Marsh from the upper part of the Brushy Basin Member of the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic) near Green River, Utah, by R. L. Kolb, L. E. Davis, and D. D. Gillette

Character and distribution of subsurface water and brine of the Paradox Basin, southeastern Utah, by J. W. Gwynn

The distribution of contaminants in ground water at the Slick Rock and Naturita, Colorado uranium mill tailings sites, by A. R. Groffman and D. Erskine

Influence of geologic and hydrogeologic conditions on the uranium mill tailings repository design, Monticello, Utah, by C. S. Goodknight and G. M. Smith

Ground-water resources of San Juan County, by M. Lowe

Recharge area and water quality of the valley-fill aquifer, Castle Valley, Grand County, Utah, by N. P. Snyder

Utah Geological Association 1996 fall field trip road and river log, by H. H. Doelling and G. C. Willis

Other Information:
Published: 1996
Pages: 460 p.
Location: Emery County, Garfield County, Grand County, San Juan County, and Wayne County
Media Type: Paper Publication

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