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Site-response characterization for implementing SHAKEMAP in northern Utah (RI-248)
By: F. X. Ashland As part of the effort to implement “ShakeMap” in northern Utah, this publication used surface geology and available shear-wave velocity data to characterize and map the site response of geologic units during earthquake ground shaking. Site-response...
Earthquake fault map of a portion of Tooele County, Utah (PI-84)
By: UGS Staff This map shows the location of faults in Tooele Valley, between the Oquirrh Mountains and the Stansbury Mountains. Back side of map includes information on faults, effects of surface fault rupture, when and where surface rupture is...
Earthquake fault map of a portion of Cache County, Utah (PI-83)
By: UGS Staff This map shows the location of faults in Cache Valley, between the Bear River Range to the east and the Cache County line to the west. Back side of map includes information on faults, effects of surface...
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Earthquake hazards and safety in Utah (PI-6)
By: UGS Staff This four-page publication outlines a brief history of earthquakes in Utah, discusses different hazards related to earthquake activity, and gives instructions on earthquake safety. Other Information: Published: 1990 Pages: 4 p. Location: Utah Media Type: Paper Publication
Earthquake fault map of a portion of Salt Lake County, Utah
By: UGS Staff This map shows the location of faults in Salt Lake County. Back side of map includes information on faults, effects of surface fault rupture, when and where surface rupture is likely to occur, and what can be...
Earthquake fault map of a portion of Utah County, Utah (PI-11)
By: UGS Staff This map shows the location of faults in Utah County. Back side of map includes information on faults, effects of surface fault rupture, when and where surface rupture is likely to occur, and what can be done...
Earthquake fault map of a portion of Weber County, Utah (PI-1)
By: UGS Staff This map shows the location of faults in Weber County. Back side of map includes information on faults, effects of surface fault rupture, when and where surface rupture is likely to occur, and what can be done...
Compilation of 1970s Woodward-Lundgren & Associates Wasatch fault investigation reports and low-sun-angle aerial photography, Wasatch Front and Cache Valley, Utah and Idaho (OFR-632)
By: Steve D. Bowman, Adam I. Hiscock, and Corey D. Unger This nine DVD set contains a descriptive 8-page report and digital files created from the Wasatch fault investigation project performed for the Utah Geologic and Mineralogical Survey (now the...
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Reconnaissance of the Little Valley landslide, Draper, Utah: Evidence for possible Late Holocene, earthquake-induced reactivation of a large, pre-existing landslide (OFR-520)
By: F. X. Ashland Using geomorphic analysis, and radiocarbon ages from a consultant’s landslide investigation, this publication outlines a partial movement history for the Little Valley landslide in Draper, Utah, and an approach for recognizing earthquake-induced reactivation in preexisting slides...
Basin and range province earthquake working group seismic-hazard recommendations to the U. S. Geological Survey National Seismic Hazard Mapping Program (OFR-477)
By: W. R. Lund, editor This report presents consensus recommendations of the Basin and Range Province Earthquake Working Group (BRPEWG) on five seismic-hazard issues in the Basin and Range Province (BRP) important to the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) 2007 update...
Investigation of the potential of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) to detect land subsidence in SW Utah (OFR-446)
By: R. R. Forster The objective of this study is to evaluate the potential of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) to measure land surface change in southwest Utah. This study is referred to as Phase-1. Based on the results of...
Interim map showing shear-wave-velocity characteristics of engineering geologic units in the Salt Lake City, Utah metropolitan area (OFR-424)
By: F. X. Ashland and G. N. McDonaldEmpirical correlation between earthquake ground-motion amplification and the average shear-wave velocity in the upper 30 meters below the ground surface (Vs30) provides the basis of the site classes in the International Building Code....
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Utah Geological Survey earthquake-response plan and investigation field guide (OFR-384)
By: B. J. Solomon This plan provides guidelines for response by the Utah Geological Survey (UGS) to significant earthquakes in Utah. The UGS is the lead state scientific agency responsible for understanding, documenting, and responding to geologic hazards. The plan...
Engineering geologic map folio, western Wasatch County, Utah (OFR-319)
By: M. D. Hylland, M. Lowe, and C. E. Bishop This publication is an engineering folio for western Wasatch County. Four plates detail the landslide hazards in the area. Four plates detail the flood hazards, earthquake hazards, and problem soils...
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Preliminary policies and development plan for the Utah Geological Survey component of the Utah Strong- Motion Instrumentation Program (OFR-302)
By: S. S. Olig and G. E. Christenson Engineers need strong-motion records to design cost-effective, earthquake-resistant structures. However, there is a lack of such records from earthquakes in Utah. Utah has unique geologic and seismologic conditions and large uncertainties exist...
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The March 16, 1992 ML 4.2 western Traverse Mountains earthquake, Salt Lake County, Utah (OFR-255)
By: G. E. Christenson Two agencies in Utah share the principal responsibility for the study of and scientific response to earthquakes in the state. The University of Utah Seismograph Stations operates the seismic monitoring network and determines the earthquake's location,...
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Structural properties of the American Fork, Provo, and part of the Spanish Fork subsegments, Wasatch normal fault zone, Utah (OFR-186)
By: R. L. Bruhn, J. J. Lee, and W. A. Yonkee This report discusses the structure of the southern Wasatch fault zone between the Traverse Mountains and Springville, Utah. This includes the central and northern part of the Provo rupture...
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Earthquake instrumentation for Utah, report and recommendations of the Utah Policy Panel on earthquake Instrumentation (OFR-168)
By: W. J. Arabasz, editor Utah faces a serious threat of large damaging earthquakes. Consequences are all too vividly brought to mind by recent earthquake catastrophes in Armenia and Mexico City – both relevant examples for potential earthquake losses along...
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Probabilistic liquefaction severity index maps of the State of Utah (OFR-159)
By: M. A. Mabey and T. L. Youd Liquefaction Severity Index maps for the state of Utah were generated using probabilistic analysis. The Liquefaction Severity Index (LSI) expresses the maximum magnitude of differential deformation which would be the result of...
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Subsurface map and seismic risk analysis of the Salt Lake Valley (OFR-152)
By: H. Radkins, M. Murphy, and G. T. Schuster This report is divided into two sections: 1) a compilation and integration of existing geophysical data pertaining to the sub-surface structure of Salt Lake Basin, and 2) a suite of synthetic...
Proceedings volume, Basin and Range Province Seismic-Hazards Summit (MP 98-2)
By: W. R. Lund, editor The Western States Seismic Policy Council (WSSPC) and the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG) hosted the Basin and Range Province (BRP) Seismic-Hazards Summit in Reno, Nevada, May 13-15, 1997, to review important technical...
Site-specific strong ground motion estimates for the Salt Lake Valley (MP 93-9)
By: I. G. Wong and W. J. Silva The high level of seismic hazard in Salt Lake Valley from potential large earthquakes on the Wasatch fault zone has long been recognized. Of obvious importance to hazard mitigation is the prediction...
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Tectonic evolution of the Uinta Mountains: palinspastic restoration of a structural cross section along longitude 109?15', Utah (MP 93-8)
By: D. S. Stone Major tectonic events important in the evolution of the Uinta Mountains were evaluated through palinspastic restoration of a north-south structural cross section drawn along longitude 1090 15' in northeastern Utah. The section crosses the Uinta Mountains...
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