The geologic transition, high plateaus to Great Basin: A symposium and field guide: The Mackin Volume (UGA-30)

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Utah Geological Association

Edited by: M. C. Erskin, J. E. Faulds, J. M. Bartley, and P. D. Rowley

The scope of papers included in this volume range from regional geophysical considerations of the western Plateau Transition zone, to detailed studies of the structure and timing of deformation of particular sectors of the Colorado Plateau margin. The variety of geological, geochemical and geophysical tools and their interpretations brought to bear on the problems related to the tectonic boundary of the Colorado Plateau is impressive. The papers found in this publication are listed below:

Great Basin-Colorado Plateau transition in central Utah: an interface between active extension and stable interior, by P.E. Wannamaker, J. M. Bartley, A. F. Sheehan, C. M. Jones, A. R. Lowrey, T. A. Dumitru, T.A. Ehlers, W. S. Holbrook, G. L. Farmer, M. J. Unsworth, D. B. Hall, D. S. Chapman, D. A. Okaya, B. E. John, and J. A. Wolfe

Colorado Plateau tectonostratigraphic unit, by M. C. Erskine

Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the western margin of the Colorado Plateau during latest Cenomanian and early Turonian, by J. Laurin and B. B. Sageman

Correlation of Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene(?) rocks beneath the Claron Formation, Crow Creek, western Markagunt Plateau, southwest Utah, by D. W. Moore and A. W. Straub

Late Oligocene-early Miocene normal faulting along west-northwest strikes, northern Markagunt Plateau, Utah by J. J. Anderson; Fault segmentation and linkage: examples from the Hurricane Fault, southwestern U.S.A., by W. J. Taylor, M. E. Stewart, and R. L. Orndorff

Imaging the Colorado Plateau-Basin and Range transition zone using basalt geochemistry, geochronology, and geographic information systems, by R. F. Downing, E. L Smith, R. L. Orndorff, T L. Spell, and K. A. Zanetti

Thermochronologic evidence for footwall deformation during extensional core complex development, Mineral Mountains, Utah, by D. S. Coleman, J. D. Walker, J. M. Bartley, and K. V. Hodges

The Cenozoic evolution of the Great Basin area, U.S.A. -new interpretations based on regional geologic mapping, by P. D. Rowley and G. L. Dixon

The role of rheology in the tectonic history of the Colorado Plateau, by S. T. Nelson and R. A. Harris

Basin configuration of the Virgin River depression, Nevada, Utah and Arizona: a geophysical view of deformation along the Colorado Plateau-Basin and Range transition, by V. E Langenheim, R. G. Bohannon, J. M. Glen, R. C. Jachens, J. A. Grow, J. J. Miller, G. L. Dixon, and T. C. Katzer

Of the southwestern Colorado Plateau margin in northwestern Arizona: geomorphic, structural, and stratigraphic evidence for Laramide uplift, by R. A. Young

Cenozoic evolution of the Northern Colorado River extensional corridor, southern Nevada and northwest Arizona, by J. E. Faulds, D. L. Feuerbach, C. F. Miller, and E. L Smith

Cenozoic structure and evolution of the boundary between the Basin And Range and Transition Zone Provinces in Arizona, by J. E. Spencer, S. M. Richard, and C. A. Ferguson

Very different crustal response to extreme extension in the southern Basin and Range and Colorado Plateau Transition, by T. Parsons, J. McCarthy, and G. A. Thompson

Thumb Butte: a latite among Tertiary basalts by B. N. Boyd; From transition zone to core complex: deep reflection seismic imaging of the Basin and Range, southeast Arizona, by J. M. Kruger and R. A. JohnsonÂ

Cretaceous and Early Tertiary geology of Cedar and Parowan Canyons, western Markagunt Plateau, Utah, by J. G. Eaton, J. Laurin, J. L Kirkland, N. E. Tibert, R. M. Leckie, B. B. Sageman, P. M. Goldstrand, D.W. Moore, A. W. Straub, W A. Cobban, and J. D. Dalebout

Structural overlap of Basin and Range stratigraphic packages onto the Colorado Plateau cratonic package in southwestern Utah, by M. C. Erskine

Linkage and reactivation along the northern Hurricane and Sevier Faults, southwestern Utah, by S. Reber, W. I Taylor, M. Stewart, and I. M. Schiefelbein

Field trip to the Caliente Caldera Complex, east-striking transverse zones, and nearby mining districts in Nevada - Utah: implications for petroleum, ground-water, and mineral resources, by P.D. Rowley, L. W. Snee, R. E. Anderson, L. D. Nealey, D. M. Unruh, and D. E. Ferris

Other Information:
Published: 2001
Pages: 430 p.
Location: Utah
Media Type: Paper Publication

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