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Edited by: T. L. Britt
This publication lists the program and abstracts from the 1982 Symposium on the Overthrust Belt of Utah. The abstracts included in this publication are listed below:
Discarded theories are essential to progress - examples from western geology, by W. L. Stokes
History of oil and gas exploration along central Utah hingeline, by H. R. Ritzma
Middle Devonian to Late Mississippian geologic history of the Utah hingeline and overthrust belt region, western U.S., by C. A. Sandberg
Petroleum potential of the Paleozoic system, Utah hingeline area, by J. E. Welsh
Twin Creek Limestone - Arapien Shale relationship in central Utah, by D. A. Sprinkel
Lithofacies correlations within Upper Cretaceous Indianola Group, by T. F. Lawton
Mesozoic - Cenozoic structural history of central Utah with emphasis on Sanpete Valley area, by J. W. Collinson
Salt diapirism in central Utah, by I. J. Witkind
Structure and stratigraphy of the Pavant Mountains, Millard County, Utah, by J. L. Baer
The central Utah structural style as compared with other compressed areas along the Cordilleran orogenic belt from Canada to Mexico, by F. C. Moulton
Seismic data acquisition and interpretation in central Utah, by D. Gray and M. L. Turner
Preliminary interpretation of a 30 km long seismic reflection profile in the hingeline near Nephi, Utah, by M. L. Zoback
Geothermal systems of central Utah, by D. Foley
Occurrence and origin of silver-lead-zinc-copper sulfide ores within thrust fault zones in northern Utah, by L. P. James and J. N. Moore
Other Information:
Published: 1982
Pages: 19 p.
Location: Utah
Media Type: Paper Publication
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