Status of Development of Selected Ground-Water Basins in Utah (TP-7)

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Water Rights and Water Resources

By: H. E. Thomas, W. B. Helson, B. E. Lofgren, and R. G. Butler

Utah's ground-water law, which became effective on March 22, 1935, has its basis in certain statutes passed by the Utah Legislature during its 1935 session, with minor additions or revisions during subsequent sessions of that body. This law places in the State Engineer's office the responsibility of controlling the development of all ground water. In order to provide the fundamental ground-water data that are essential for intelligent control of this resource, the Legislature in 1935 and in each succeeding biennium has also authorized the State Engineer to enter into agreements with the Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior, to survey the ground-water supply of the State of Utah and to investigate sources, quantity of supply, and methods for conserving such waters. The Geological Survey and the State of Utah share equally the expenses connected with these investigations.

These cooperative investigations since 1935 have included (1) determinations of the fluctuations of water level's in selected wells in most of the ground-water basins of the State, based upon measurements that are tabulated and published annually by the Geological Survey; and (2) detailed investigations of specific ground-water areas to determine the quantity and quality of the ground water, and its source, movement, and disposal, and to show the relation of present development to the maximum development of which those areas are capable.

Other Information:
Published: 1952
Pages: 96 p.
Plates: 1 pl.
Location: Utah Statewide
Media Type: Paper Publication

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