Hydrologic Reconnaissance of the Fish Springs Flat Area, Tooele, Juab, and Millard Counties, Utah (TP-64)
By: E. L. Bolke and C. T. Sumsion
The Fish Springs Flat area includes about 590 square miles in western Utah. Total annual precipitation on the area averages about 7 inches and totals about 232,000 acre-feet. Fish Springs Wash is the major drainage in the area; and, along with numerous smaller washes, it flows only in direct response to precipitation.
The objectives of this study were to estimate ground-water and spring recharge and discharge and to determine the ions in the waters through the Fish Springs Flat area.
Other Information:
Published: 1978
Pages: 30 p.
Location: Juab County, Millard County, and Tooele County
Media Type: Paper Publication