Hydrologic Reconnaissance of the Blue Creek Valley Area, Box Elder County, Utah (TP-37)
By: E. L. Bolke and D. Price
The Blue Creek Valley area includes about 250 square miles in a semiarid, sparsely populated section of northwestern Utah. Normal annual precipitation in the area ranges from about 15 inches on the valley floor to slightly more than 20 inches in the mountains and totals about 184,000 acre-feet. Surface runoff is about 2,200 acre-feet per year. Average annual ground-water recharge and discharge are estimated to be about 14,000 acre-feet each. The largest developed water supply in the area is from Blue Springs; the water is impounded in Blue Creek Reservoir and is used for irrigation. The discharge of Blue Springs is about 7,200 acre-feet per year.
This report is the tenth in a series of reports prepared by the U. S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Rights, that describe the water resources of selected areas in northwestern Utah. The purpose of this report is to present available hydrologic data for the Blue Creek Valley area and to provide a quantitative evaluation of the potential water-resources development of the area.
Other Information:
Published: 1972
Pages: 38 p.
Location: Box Elder County
Media Type: Paper Publication