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By: W. R. Lund, editor
The intent of this report is to provide geologic, hydrologic, and soils information on the Mt. Pleasant watershed which will allow city planners and others to evaluate development proposals by recognizing geologic hazards and identifying land-use conflicts. To accomplish this, a series of basic data and interpretive maps were prepared for the watershed. Basic data maps include Geology, Soils, and Surface Hydrology. The interpretative maps are Slope Stability and Suitability for Septic Tank Absorption Fields. An explanation is included on each interpretive map that allows it to be used independently of this text.
To complete the study, the following scope of work was undertaken: 1.) Review of available published and unpublished reports, well logs, and maps pertaining to the geology, hydrology, and soils of the study area; 2.) Geologic mapping from aerial photographs, followed by three days of field reconnaissance to check mapping and verify data gathered during the literature search; 3.) Preparation of basic data maps, interpretive maps, and accompanying text.
Other Information:
Published: 1987
Pages: 94 p.
Location: Box Elder, Cache, Salt Lake, Sanpete, Tooele, Uintah, and Utah Counties
Media Type: Paper Publication
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