Earthquake site conditions in the Wasatch Front corridor, Utah (SS-125)
By: G. N. McDonald and F. X. Ashland
Contains a 41-page report and a 1:150,000-scale map defining seismic site conditions for the Wasatch Front urban corridor. This mapping, partially funded through the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Hazards Reduction Program, provides a basis for predicting how certain soils and bedrock types may respond to ground-motion amplification in a large-magnitude earthquake on the Wasatch fault. Average shear-wave velocities were used for the upper 30 meters and surficial geologic mapping to delineate and characterize earthquake-site-conditions units that relate to International Building Code site classes. Better understanding of soil properties and earthquake-site effects for the densely populated Wasatch Front allows for improved earthquake engineering and emergency planning and response.
Other Information:
Published: 2008
Pages: 41 p.
Plate: 1 pl.
Scale: 1:150,000
Location: Davis, Salt Lake, Utah, and Weber Counties