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The latest issue of the Utah Geological Survey’s Survey Notes, Volume 56, Number 3, is packed with intriguing articles and features that highlight the state’s diverse geological landscape. The cover story, “Rock Glaciers: Reminders of a Glacial Past and Dynamic Landforms in a Warming Future,” delves into the significance of rock glaciers as both historical markers and active participants in current environmental changes. This article provides a comprehensive look at how these unique landforms are adapting to a warming climate and their implications for future geological studies1.
Another notable article, “Beneath Utah’s Surface: Harnessing Geologic Carbon Storage for a Sustainable Future,” explores innovative methods for capturing and storing carbon dioxide in underground rock formations. This piece emphasizes the potential of Utah’s geological resources to contribute to sustainable energy solutions and climate change mitigation efforts1. Additionally, the issue features “Paleo News: UGS Paleontologists Find a Bonanza of Fossil Footprints in Canyonlands National Park,” which reports on a significant paleontological discovery that offers new insights into ancient ecosystems1.
Regular columns such as “Glad You Asked", which this time uses U.S. Interstate Highway 15 as a metaphor for geologic time, and “GeoSights”, featuring handprints in the Entrada Sandstone at Kodachrome Basin State Park, continue to provide engaging and educational content. The issue also includes updates in “Teacher’s Corner”, “Program News”, “Survey News”, and “New Publications”, making it a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in Utah’s geology1. Whether you’re a professional geologist or simply a geology enthusiast, this issue of Survey Notes offers valuable information and fascinating discoveries.
This publication is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Utah’s geology and is available for free. You can pick up a copy at the Utah Geological Survey’s Map and Bookstore, or if you prefer, we can arrange for shipping at an additional cost.
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