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The May 2023 issue of the Utah Geological Survey's Survey Notes (Volume 55, Number 2) features several insightful articles on Utah's geological landscape. One highlight is the comprehensive study on mapping geologic hazards in and near Bryce Canyon National Park, which emphasizes the importance of understanding and mitigating natural risks in this popular area. Another significant contribution is the investigation into past earthquakes in the Salt Lake Valley, providing valuable data for assessing seismic hazards in the region.
Additionally, the issue includes an article on the concept of in-lieu fee wetland mitigation, discussing innovative approaches to wetland conservation and restoration in Utah. The "Glad You Asked" section explores the connections between landslides, glaciers, faults, and the lakes on the Wasatch Plateau, offering readers a deeper understanding of the area's geological features.
The "GeoSights" column introduces readers to Springhill Geologic Park in Davis County, highlighting its unique geological formations and significance. Furthermore, the "Energy News" segment reports on Utah's status as a net energy importer, analyzing the implications for the state's energy landscape. This edition of Survey Notes provides a diverse range of articles that shed light on Utah's dynamic geology and ongoing research efforts.
This informative publication is available for free and can be picked up at the Utah Geological Survey’s Map and Bookstore. If you prefer, we can also arrange for shipping at an additional cost
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