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C. E. Bishop
The Monte Verde public water system operates a single well to supply potable water for consumptive use by the Monte Verde subdivision in the community of Mountain Green. The well is in western Morgan Valley, near the head of Weber Canyon, northern Utah. To protect this well from contamination and to comply with Utah?s Drinking Water Source Protection Program, the subdivision is developing a drinking water source protection plan.
This report describes the delineation of drinking water source protection (DWSP) zones for a public-water-supply in western Morgan Valley, Morgan County, Utah. The well is within the Monte Verde subdivision, in western Mountain Green along Interstate 84 near the head of Weber Canyon. The Monte Verde water system owns the well, which provides drinking water to the subdivision, and requested and helped in this delineation of DWSP zones. The scope of work included a literature search, review of water-well logs, field reconnaissance, aquifer test, interpretation of test data, delineation of the DWSP zones, and preparation of this report.
Other Information:
Published: 2001
Pages: 19 p. + 18 p. appendix
Location: Morgan County
Media Type: Paper Publication
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