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By: G. N. McDonald, compiler
The Geologic Hazards Program of the Utah Geological Survey (UGS) maps and defines geologic hazards and provides assistance to tax-supported entities (cities, towns, counties, and their engineers, planning commissions, or planning departments; associations of governments; state agencies; and school districts). The Hazards Program responds to emergencies such as earthquakes, landslides, and wildfires (where subsequent debris flows are a hazard) with a field investigation and a report of the geologic effects and potential hazards. The program also conduct investigations to answer specific geologic questions from state and local government agencies, such as geologic investigations of slope stability, soil problems in developing areas, and hazards from debris flows, shallow ground water, rock falls, landslides, and earthquakes. The program performs preliminary site evaluations of geologic-hazard potential for critical public facilities such as public-safety complexes, fire stations, waste-disposal facilities, water tanks, and schools. In addition to performing engineering-geologic studies, the Hazards Program reviews and comments on geologic reports by consultants for school sites, residential lots, subdivisions, and private waste-disposal facilities.
Dissemination of information is a major goal of the UGS. Studies of interest to the general public are published in several UGS formats. This Report of Investigation presents, in a single document, the Geologic Hazards Program’s 46 technical reports completed in 1998. The reports are grouped by topic, and each report identifies the author(s) and requesting agency.
Other Information:
Published: 1999
Pages: 230 p.
Location: Davis, Salt Lake, Sanpete, Utah, Wasatch, Washington, and Weber Counties
Media Type: Paper Publication
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