Significant drill holes of the Wasatch Front valleys including Cache Valley and Tooele Valley (OFR-82 DF)


By: W. F. Case

Records of 292 significant drill holes which were drilled in the major valley areas of the Wasatch Front have been compiled into a Utah Geological and Mineral Survey database, given in this publication.

Drill holes which are judged to be “significant” are those with complete surface to total depth lithology logs which are approximately 1000 feet deep or deeper, and/or which terminate in bedrock. Most of the wells are water wells, a few are research, geothermal, and exploration wells.

Other Information:
Published: 1985 (updated 1988)
Pages: 235 p.
Location: Box Elder County, Cache County, Davis County, Salt Lake County, Tooele County, Utah County, and Weber County
Media Type: Paper Publication

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