Interim Geologic Map of the Tooele 30' x 60' Quadrangle, Tooele, Salt Lake, and Davis County, Utah (OFR-669dm)

1:100,000 Geologic Maps

By: Donald L. Clark, Charles G. Oviatt, and David A. Dinter

The Tooele 30' x 60' quadrangle straddles urban and rural areas west of Salt Lake City. The map area is in the eastern Basin and Range Province, and includes several mainly north-south trending mountain ranges and intervening valleys, and the southern part of Great Salt Lake. This map shows the fourth and final year of a project to map the geology of the quadrangle at an intermediate scale (1:62,500). The accompanying map explanation includes geologic unit descriptions, figures, tables, mapping sources, correlation charts, lithologic columns, geologic symbols, and geologic cross sections. GIS data are provided as shapefiles. This map and explanation is an interim release prior to final map publication.

Other Information:
Published: 2017
Pages: 43
Plates: 2
Scale: 1:100,000
Location: Utah
Media Type: Paper Publication

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