Provisional structural geologic map of the Jericho quadrangle, Juab County, Utah (OFR-444)

1:24,000 Geologic Maps

By: S. Kwon and G. Mitra

The Jericho 7.5-minute quadrangle covers the northern Gilson Mountains in central Utah. The Gilson Mountains are one of the first fault-bounded ranges of the Basin and Range province west of the Wasatch Front. Within the Gilson Mountains, Sevier (Late Cretaceous to Eocene)-age shortening structures are preserved; the most prominent are the Tintic Valley thrust and the Leamington Canyon fault and their associated structures. The Leamington Canyon fault, exposed along the southern margin of the Gilson Mountains south of the quadrangle, is a thrust fault that is folded by underlying structures and shows top down-to-the-southeast shear. The Tintic Valley thrust sheet is folded into an anticline-syncline pair by a Jericho horse in the footwall of the Tintic Valley thrust; this fold pair is partly exposed in the quadrangle. The Tintic Valley thrust has a leading branch-line with the Leamington Canyon fault in the southwestern Gilson Mountains outside the Jericho quadrangle. In the Jericho quadrangle, both Tintic Valley hanging wall and footwall rocks and structures and late normal faults are exposed. The Jericho horse and reclined folds associated with emplacement of thrusts are also exposed. These older structures are covered by Tertiary rocks and Quaternary deposits in the northern half of the Jericho quadrangle.

Other Information:
Published: 2005
Plates: 2 pl.
Scale: 1:24,000
Location: Juab County
Media Type: Paper Map

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