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By: M. Lowe, R. M. Robison, C. V. Nelson, and G. E. Christenson, editors
Geologic hazards (earthquakes, landslides, debris flows, rock falls, flooding, and shallow ground water) are important factors to be considered prior to development in order to protect the life and property of the people in Weber County. Geologic hazard special study areas in Weber County, including incorporated areas, have been mapped. These maps don’t show actual hazard areas but rather show areas where a potential hazard exists, and where special studies should be performed prior to planning commission approval or issuance of a building permit. The special studies may: 1.) show that no hazard is actually present; 2.) recommend measures needed to mitigate the hazards or, 3.) recommend that the site is not suitable for the proposed use.
Details of the types of studies required are outlined in the following chapters. Each chapter describes a separate hazard and its effect, discusses how the special studies area maps were prepared and should be used, and outlines the scope of site investigations generally needed to satisfy ordinance requirements.
Other Information:
Published: 1990
Pages: 70 p.
Location: Weber County
Media Type: Paper Publication
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