Mineral occurrences of the Tooele 1o x 2o quadrangle, west-central Utah (OFR-153)
By: B. T. Tripp, M. A. Shubat, C. E. Bishop, and R. E. Blackett
This report summarizes the available data for mineral occurrences within the Tooele 1x2 quadrangle (1:250,000 scale), located in west-central Utah. Summary information for each mineral occurrence within the Tooele quadrangle is organized by mining district. For each district, a brief summary of the economic geology, history, and production is given. This is followed by a table listing the mineral occurrences present in that district. Information contained in these tables includes the name of the line or prospect, the commodities present, the deposit type, the size of the deposit, and bibliographic references. Mineral occurrences that do not lie in a mining district are described in the ?non-district occurrences? section. The reference section at the end of this report contains references to geologic mapping in the quadrangle in addition to the references for mineral occurrences.
Because of the large number of metallic mineral occurrences present within the Tooele 1x2 quadrangle, a classification system was required to group geologically and geochemically similar occurrences into classes. The system used in this study is essentially that described in Cox and Singer which employs mineral deposit models. A mineral deposit model is a collection of observations that describes the essential attributes of a class of mineral deposits. A class of mineral deposits consists of those deposits that occur in the same (or similar) geologic environments, are hosted by or are associated with similar rock types, have similar ore minerals and textures, and have similar geochemical signatures. The observations used in constructing a mineral deposit model are gained by studying a large number of individual deposits of a class and selecting only those observations that appear to have been essential or necessary for the formation of the deposits. Metallic mineral occurrences in the Tooele 1x 2 quadrangle were classified into a set of mineral deposit models (described below) on the basis of their essential characteristics. Industrial rocks and minerals, however, were treated differently. These deposits were grouped according to the dominant commodity contained in the deposit (ie. sand and gravel, limestone, clay, etc.).
Other Information:
Published: 1989
Pages: 85 p.
Plates: 3 pl.
Scale: 1:48,000
Location: Davis, Salt Lake, Tooele, and Utah Counties
Media Type: Paper Publication