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By: W. J. Arabasz, J. C. Pechmann, and E. D. Brown
This report presents (1) a characterization of seismicity within 160 km of two alternative sites proposed for a Superconducting Supercollider (SSC) facility in Tooele County, Utah; and (2) an evaluation of implications for earthquake-induced ground motions and other seismic hazards at the proposed sites. The candidate sites lie on the western periphery of the northerly-trending Intermountain seismic belt and are marginal to areas of primary concern for seismic hazards in Utah. The site locations are 75 km or more west of the Wasatch fault and within a domain of continuing Basin-Range extension characterized by (1) a low rate of seismicity, and (2) late Quaternary surface faulting with recurrence intervals for individual faults probably exceeding ten thousand years.
Other Information:
Published: 1989
Pages: 107 p.
Location: Tooele County
Media Type: Paper Publication
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