Geologic map of the Lucin 4 NW quadrangle, Box Elder County, Utah (M-93)
By: L. L. Glick and D. M. Miller
The Lucin 4 NW quadrangle in northwest Utah comprises lowland of the Great Salt Lake Desert, the north end of the Silver Island Mountains (known as Crater Island), and part of the Little Pigeon Mountains. In this part of Utah island is commonly applied to a mountainous feature that rises from mud flats or other flatland of the desert. Crater Island and the Little Pigeon Mountains, at elevations of 4,575 feet and 4,480 feet, respectively, are the highest points in the quadrangle. The low desert land slopes gently southeastward from 4,270 to 4,220 feet in elevation. Mountainous parts of the Lucin 4 NW quadrangle are underlain by Permian sedimentary rocks of the Cordilleran miogeocline and by Jurassic granitoid rocks. The remainder of the quadrangle is covered by surficial deposits of Quaternary age, including alluvium, lake sediments, and eolian sand. Much of the Quaternary sediment was deposited in Pleistocene Lake Bonneville, which covered the entire quadrangle at its highest stand. The major structural features and physiography of the quadrangle-mountain ranges composed of pre-Cenozoic rocks and broad valleys filled with thick sequences of Cenozoic strata-resulted from one or more episodes of upper crustal extension in Neogene time.
Other Information:
Published: 1986
Pages: 4 p.
Plates: 2 pl.
Scale: 1:24,000
Location: Box Elder County
Media Type: Paper Map