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by Zachary W. Anderson
The Bountiful Peak quadrangle is located northeast of Salt Lake City. Parts of the cities of Bountiful, Centerville, and Farmington occupy the western part of the quadrangle. The central and eastern parts of the quadrangle are dominated by rural, rugged, and steep mountainous terrain of the northern Wasatch Range and Sessions Mountains. The bedrock geology in the quadrangle includes Paleoproterozoic metamorphic rocks of the Farmington Canyon Complex overlain by Cambrian, Cretaceous, and Paleogene sedimentary rocks. Major angular unconformities separate each age group of bedrock units. These rocks record a complex history of tectonic events including Paleoproterozoic metamorphism, contractional deformation during the Sevier orogeny, orogenic collapse, and Basin and Range extension. The metamorphic rocks are commonly deeply weathered and altered to clay minerals. The clay-rich minerology and steep terrain has resulted in numerous landslides throughout the quadrangle. The urbanized valley part of the quadrangle contains the southern part of the Weber segment of the active Wasatch fault zone, a major segmented normal fault zone that bounds the east side of the Basin and Range Province and creates the stark topographic rise of the Wasatch Range. This active fault zone presents a significant earthquake hazard to the communities along the fault.
Published: 2023
Plates: 2
Scale: 1:24,000
Location: Utah
Media Type: Paper Map
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