Geologic map of the Lucin NW quadrangle, Box Elder County, Utah (M-158)
By: D. M. Miller and C. G. Oviatt
The Lucin NW quadrangle, in northwestern Utah, consists of nearly flat areas dotted by hills rising at most a few hundred meters above surrounding gently sloping piedmonts. Thick lake deposits blanket much of the piedmont and record the most recent, and largest, pluvial lake in northern Utah, Lake Bonneville. Bedrock in the hills varies in age and rock type: Devonian to Permian rocks are mostly limestone and dolomite; Miocene rocks are mostly volcanic rocks and sedimentary rocks derived from volcanic materials.
Other Information:
Published: 1994
Pages: 14 p.
Plates: 2 pl.
Scale: 1:24,000
Location: Box Elder County
Media Type: Paper Map