Resistivities and chemical analyses of selected oil and gas field, water well, and spring waters, Utah (C-87)
By: J. W. Gwynn
This report includes resistivity and chemical data for 2,314 water samples, mainly from oil and gas exploratory and development wells in Utah, and from shallow water wells, and springs in the vicinity of oil and gas fields. Water analyses are compiled from both public and private sources. The geologic ages of the host formations or reservoirs range from Tertiary through Devonian.
The records contain the following information: API well number; well operator and number; county; field; township, range, and section location; and formation. Also included are well elevation and reference point, the top and bottom depths of the sampled interval, date of sampling, resistivity (Rw), chemical composition, total dissolved solids (TDS), and pH.
Other Information:
Published: 1995
Pages: 142 p.
Location: Utah
Media Type: Paper Publication