Guidelines for Investigating Geologic Hazards and Preparing Engineering-Geology Reports with a Suggested Approach to Geologic-Hazard Ordinances in Utah, Second Edition (C-128)
The purpose of these guidelines for investigating geologic hazards and preparing engineering-geology reports, is to provide recommendations for appropriate, minimum investigative techniques, standards, and report content to ensure adequate geologic site characterization and geologic-hazard investigations to protect public safety and facilitate risk reduction. Such investigations provide important information on site geologic conditions that may affect or be affected by development, as well as the type and severity of geologic hazards at a site, and recommend solutions to mitigate the effects and the cost of the hazards, both at the time of construction and over the life of the development. The accompanying suggested approach to geologic-hazard ordinances and school-site investigation guidelines are intended as an aid for land-use planning and regulation by local Utah jurisdictions and school districts, respectively. Geologic hazards that are not accounted for in project planning and design often result in additional unforeseen construction and/or future maintenance costs, and possible injury or death.