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By: K. D. Gurgel, editor
The Rocky Mountain Coal Symposium and the innovative research on which the technical sessions report are one way of defining the role that coal will play in achieving energy security for the United States. The technical sessions, the special addresses, and the field trip are well designed to update geologists on recent work and thinking on a number of different aspects of the geology of coal and coal-related rocks. Several of the papers emphasize the petrology and chemical properties of different western coals. Others emphasize environments of deposition, while others relate these subjects to exploration techniques, mining methods, or consumptive uses. As western coals play an increasingly important role in the nation's energy supply picture, advances in our understanding of western coal will be applied by industry and lead to still other advances in technology.
The papers included in these Proceedings were solicited and contributed by researchers in industry. academia, and government. The papers have been edited and given a common format; however, their style and content have not been formally reviewed by the Utah Geological and Mineral Survey.
Other Information:
Published: 1982
Pages: 319 p.
Location: Carbon, Emery, San Juan, and Summit Counties
Media Type: Paper Publication
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