Energy and mineral resources of Utah (UGA-18)

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Utah Geological Association

Edited by: M. L. Allison

Throughout its history, Utah was thoroughly prospected, mines were opened and closed, and periods of lively activity alternated with those of diminished activity according to the driving forces of supply and demand. In time, the great wealth and potential of Utah minerals were uncovered: metals, non-metallic, and industrial minerals, construction materisl, and energy fuels were all discovered in good supply. Utah?s extractive industry has been one of the most productive in the nation for more than 100 years and is expected to continue as such for many more. This guidebook provides information on the resources in Utah. The papers in this publication are listed below:

Exploration highlights and activity in the Utah overthrust belt during the 1980s, by T. C. Chidsey, Jr.

Geothermal resource developments in Utah, by P.M. Wright, R. E. Blackett, and H. P. Ross

Characteristics of acid-sulfate and alteration in the Marysvale-Pioche mineral belt, by A. J. B. Thompson

Metalliferous recent sediments? Mineralogical and historical approaches to the study of Utah mill tailings, by L. P. James

Occurrence and paragenesis of thallium sulfosalts and related sulfides at the Barrick Mercur gold mine, Utah, by J. R. Wilson and P. N. Wilson

Mineralization and geochemistry of the Escalante silver mine, Iron County, Utah, by J. M. Holloway and E. U. Petersen

Thermal and chemical evolution of hydrothermal fluids at the Ophir Hill mine, Ophir District, Utah, by P. N. Wilson and W. T. Parry

A history of uranium production in Utah, by W. L. Chenoweth

Assessment and development of the saline resources of Sevier Lake, Millard County, Utah, by J. W. Gwynn

A preliminary resource assessment of clinoptilolite occurrences in the Tertiary Norwood Tuff near Mountain Green, Morgan County, Utah, by B. T. Tripp and B. H. Mayes

Iterative modeling and imaging of seismic data in depth to help delineate petroleum reservoirs in the overthrust belt, by A. K. Benson

Magnetotelluric transect of the Sevier overthrust belt in southwestern Utah and eastern Nevada, by J. M. Johnston and P. E. Wannamaker

Resource maps of Utah, by H. H. Doelling and R. L. Bon

Utah Geological Association 1990 fall field trip road log, by D. Smouse

Other Information:
Published: (1990 field trip) 1991
Pages: 222 p.
Location: Utah
Media Type: Paper Publication

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