Geologic excursions in neotectonics and engineering geology in Utah, Geological Society of America guidebook - Part IV (SS-62)
By: K. D. Gurgel, editor
The papers contained in this Guidebook were solicited by the organizers of the GSA Rocky Mountain and Cordilleran Sections and have been edited and given a common format. These papers come from field trips led during the meeting.
Paleoseismicity Along the Wasatch Front and Adjacent areas, central Utah, by R. C. Bucknam, A. J. Crone, K. L. Hanson, A. R. Nelson, D. P. Schwartz, l. T. Sullivan, and F. H. Swan, III
Paleoseismic Investigations Along the Wasatch Fault Zone: An Update, by D. P. Schwartz, K. L. Hanson, and F. H. Swann, III
Amount of Displacement and Estimated Age of a Holocene Surface Faulting Event, eastern Great Basin, Millard County, Utah, by A. J. Crone
Late Cenozoic Faulting in Heber and Keetley Valleys, northeastern Utah, by J. T. Sullivan and A. R. Nelson
Lake Bonneville Stratigraphy, Geomorphology, and Isostatic Deformation in west-central Utah, by D. R. Currey, C. G. Oviatt, and G. B. Plyler
Geologic Aspects of upper Stillwater Damsite Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project, Utah, by J. L. Rogers
Engineering Geologic Problems along Utah's Urban Corridor, by B. N. Kaliser
Other Information:
Published: 1983
Pages: 109 p.
Location: Cache County, Davis County, Juab County, Millard County, Morgan County, Salt Lake County, Summit County, Utah County, Wasatch County, and Weber County
Media Type: Paper Publication