Stratigraphic and lithologic analysis of the Claron Formation in southwestern Utah (MP 93-1)

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Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication

By: W. J. Taylor

The Paleocene - Oligocene Claron Formation in the Basin and Range physiographic province of southwestern Utah is composed dominantly of sandstone and conglomerate interbedded with fresh-water sandy limestone. Stratigraphic sections, clast counts, and point counts from the Claron Formation in the Basin and Range province and other units of similar age indicate vertical and lateral variations in rock type and in provenance. This publication discusses the formation in two chapters:

Chapter 1: Paleogene fluvial and lacustrine deposits in southwestern Utah and their tectonic implications: examination of the Claron Formation

Chapter 2: Stratigraphic and lithologic data from the Claron Formation in southwestern Utah

Other Information:
Published: 1993
Pages: 52 p.
Location: Garfield County, Iron County, Kane County, and Washington County
Media Type: Paper Publication

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