Assessment of potential damage to real property from major debris flow in Standel Cove subdivision, Salt Lake County, Utah (RI-188)
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Geologic Publications
During May of 1984, two snaIl debris flows occurred in Johnson's
HollCM of Emigration Canyon (Figure 1 - Location Map, and Figure 2 -
Vicinity Map). These flows passed through Standel Cove subdivision and
into Emigration Canyon stream without any significant danage to the homes
or drainage structures. Shortly after these events, an investigation
revealed three large landslides located in JOhnson's Hollow approximately
3/4 mile above the Standel Cove subdivision. The landslides have the
potential of becoming large debris flCMs in the event precipitation
produces sufficient saturation in the unstable masses.
Because of potential risk from the landslides, residents of Standel
Cove SUbdivision have claimed that their property has been devalued and
have requested a reduction in county property taxes. In order to provide
da ta to evaluate these claims, 'Ule Utah Geological and Mineral Survey was
requested to assess the potential danage to the homes and property in
Standel Cove subdivision. The assessment was specifically limited to
potential danage to real property and therefore excludes risk to personal
property and life.
HollCM of Emigration Canyon (Figure 1 - Location Map, and Figure 2 -
Vicinity Map). These flows passed through Standel Cove subdivision and
into Emigration Canyon stream without any significant danage to the homes
or drainage structures. Shortly after these events, an investigation
revealed three large landslides located in JOhnson's Hollow approximately
3/4 mile above the Standel Cove subdivision. The landslides have the
potential of becoming large debris flCMs in the event precipitation
produces sufficient saturation in the unstable masses.
Because of potential risk from the landslides, residents of Standel
Cove SUbdivision have claimed that their property has been devalued and
have requested a reduction in county property taxes. In order to provide
da ta to evaluate these claims, 'Ule Utah Geological and Mineral Survey was
requested to assess the potential danage to the homes and property in
Standel Cove subdivision. The assessment was specifically limited to
potential danage to real property and therefore excludes risk to personal
property and life.