Minerals of the Utahlite Claim, Lucin, Box Elder County, Utah (MP 99-6)

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Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication

By: J. Marty, D. G. Howard, and H. Barwood

Phosphate minerals in northwestern Utah have been known since 1905. In 1909, Frank Edison and Edward Bird located claims on Utahlite Hill and produced variscite until 1910. Now the location is known as the Utahlite claim. This locality is important as a source of lapidary-grade variscite and well-formed microcrystals of metavariscite and variscite. The number of mineral species occurring at this location is limited, but interesting. Currently, one small oval open pit has been developed for mining lapidary material. North of this pit is a small variscite prospect, the Alice claim.

Other Information:
Published: 1999
Pages: 13 p.
Location: Box Elder County
Media Type: Paper Publication

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